Cat World Domination Day

There’s a pretty ostentatious pet holiday coming up. June 24th is Cat World Domination Day! Our feline overlords are very small, so they must be pretty clever to conquer the world. Then again, Kitty is quite formidable in her own way. After all, she has taken over a pretty significant chunk of the internet. As it turns out, she may have been working on becoming Supreme Ruler all along.



Does Kitty sometimes weave in front of you to let you know she wants dinner right meow? Does she yell at you when you move her mid-nap or nudge her off your lap? She may be working on ways to keep you in line!


Battle Training

Does your furball sometimes attack your shoelaces? Does she pounce on your sheets or smack toy mice down the hall? These seemingly innocent, playful antics may have been Kitty's combat training all along.



Did you know that cats purr at frequencies that are naturally healing and calming to us? Is Kitty running her little motor to lull us into complacency?



Pay attention the next time Kitty dashes out at you from behind the couch or creeps up on Fido at a very slow speed! Your furball may be working on ambush maneuvers.



Our feline pals have a habit of just staring at their humans. That smug stare may not be as innocent as you think. Kitty may be perfecting her Sith Lord mind tricks on you.



There wouldn’t be much point in dominating the world if you didn’t know how to run it. Kitty would need to pick up some pointers about leadership and economics. Of course, cats can’t read, so they learn by osmosis … purrticularly by sleeping on top of our books, magazines, and computers.



If you let Kitty go outdoors, she may occasionally present you with a (dead) gift. Most people appreciate the sentiment, if not the present itself. However, this may have been Kitty’s way of trying to strike fear into your heart.


Kitty Rage

Does Kitty sometimes knock things off your table or counter? This, too, might be a show of force!


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