Dr. Hoff Settles In At Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care

Did you know?  It takes several months of intense training and mentoring for a veterinarian to become established at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center.  Tremendous amounts of devotion and effort go into this: we work really hard to make sure our veterinarians are able to provide the highest level of medicine and establish their relationships with patients, clients, and their team.  Dr Hoff is being mentored by our own Dr. Kristi Peterson, who provides support and insights as Dr Hoff settles into his new role at BRVC. 

More about Dr. Conor Hoff:

Dr. Conor Hoff is a graduate of the Veterinary School at the University of California, Davis. Prior to veterinary school he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology at UC Davis. He completed a rotating internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery at VCA Loomis Basin Veterinary Clinic. Dr. Hoff grew up on a ranch in the country in Napa, CA. He still enjoys any opportunity to get outdoors, all sorts of recreational sports, and spending time with family (especially his growing number of nieces and nephews). He lives with his beautiful fiance, Tram, and their energetic 3-year-old black labrador mix, "Davis" (named after the special place they met).

Schedule: Dr. Hoff is available for appointments Tuesday through Saturday.

*Accepting New Patients

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