Dr. Trevor Miller Says Farewell and Thank you

To my friends and clients at BRVC,

With a heavy heart I'd like to announce that on August 23rd I'll be stepping away from practice at BRVC.  I'm at a transitional moment of life (I just got married!) and I'm taking a leave of absence to travel with my wife, Ashley.  The duration of my leave is not definite but I hope to return to BRVC in Spring 2019.

It has been a true honor and pleasure working with the patients, clients, and staff of Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center. I've made a lot of friends and grown tremendously as a veterinarian. I'll truly miss the day to day interactions with the people and pets of our community. I hope to see my friends and clients again once I return!

To my regular clients and those with pets of whom we're managing ongoing issues please contract me by email (drmiller@webvets.com) and I can refer you to one of our other trusted BRVC veterinarians who can help care for your pet in my absence.

Until we meet again,
Trevor Miller, DVM

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