What you should know about Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, gives veterinarians the ability to explore the abdominal and/or pelvic cavity using a miniature camera inserted through a small incision instead of performing a traditional “open” procedure where a larger incision is made. Once the camera is inserted through a small incision (¼” to ½” long), minimally invasive surgery can be performed with a clear, magnified view of the organs, allowing for excellent precision, while minimizing post-operative patient discomfort. 

At Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care, we have been performing laparoscopic surgery for over 15 years. We offer laparoscopic spays, gastropexies (see the informative post here on “Laparoscopic Gastropexy”), combined laparoscopic spay and gastropexy, cryptorchid (intra-abdominal testicle) neuters, and liver biopsies. 

The benefits of Laparoscopy Surgery:

  • Increased Patient Comfort post-operatively. For example, it has been estimated that laparoscopic spays result in 65% less pain compared to traditional open spays*

  • Excellent surgical precision due to the magnified view of the organs. 

  • Quicker recovery time

Commonly Asked Questions

Is laparoscopic surgery a better option than open surgery?
We believe it is overall a better option as it's significantly less painful, less invasive, and there's a quicker healing time. The pet can return to normal activity, like chasing a ball and running around the backyard in significantly less time than with traditional open surgery. We can more readily perform diagnostic procedures that might otherwise be too cost-prohibitive because open surgery for obtaining biopsies is more expensive or just too invasive for clients to agree to. 

How can you schedule a laparoscopic procedure?
We perform laparoscopic procedures three times a week and book these procedures 1-2 months in advance. If you need to book a laparoscopic surgery for your pet, please give us a call at (925) 866-8387.



*Devitt CM, Cox RE, Hailey JJ. Duration, complications, stress, and pain of open ovariohysterectomy versus a simple method of laparoscopic-assisted ovariohysterectomy in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2005;227(6):921-927

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