October Employee of the Month: Cindy Zuanich

Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center is so proud to announce Cindy Zuanich as our October Employee of the Month.  Cindy just recently celebrated her 14 year anniversary with BRVC!

Over the past fourteen years, Cindy has worked as one of our Customer Service Representatives.  She is such an important part of our team.  She has a wonderful work ethic and it shows in everything she does.

Cindy raised her family in Southern California, where she spent her career as an elementary school teacher.  Her love for teaching shows in all of the work she does with us.  She is an exceptional trainer and our new staff learn so much from her.  We also call her our Boarding Check-In Queen!  She always goes above and beyond making sure our clients feel confident before leaving their pets with us.

Cindy is a loving and devoted mother and grandmother.  When she's not working she spends her free time with her family.  She has the cutest rescue terrier named Honey.  Being with Honey giver her so much joy and happiness.

Cindy is a treasured member of our BRVC family and we couldn't be more thrilled to annouce her as Employee of the Month for October!  Congratulations Cindy and a huge THANK YOU for all that you do for us and our clients!

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