Strengthen Your Dog’s Focus with Canine Nosework Classes

We are excited to announce that Canine Nosework classes will be held at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center!  Scent work is both fun and beneficial for your dog (and you)!


Intro to Nosework

This 5-week class teaches an Alert/ Indication, searching skills, independent searching enthusiasm, handling on/off leash, and intro to Odor-Birch.  In these classes, all dogs get individual learning time. Dogs will get multiple runs. Dogs not running will remain in the car or crated (quietly) inside the building.  This class is scheduled for; 1/4, 1/11, 1/18, 1/25 and 2/1 at 2:30 pm and again  2/8, skip week, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8 and 3/15  at 2:30 pm

Intro to Odor and Scent Discrimination

This 5-week class is where it all comes together and the real fun begins!  Once the foundation is established, we can begin scent discrimination games adding distraction and proofing our Alert.  All the odors for NACSW and AKC trialing (Birch, Anise, Clove, and Cypress) will be introduced.  In these classes, all dogs get individual learning time. Dogs will get multiple runs. Dogs not running will remain in the car or crated (quietly) inside the building.

Its many benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Nosework builds impulse control and develops problem-solving:  These games get your dog to solve scent puzzles while developing the focus to put distractions aside and complete the task.
  • Nosework helps your dog gain confidence and independence:  Learning a new thing is incredibly powerful for boosting confidence.  Plus imagine how empowering it is to do something you are great at!  Dogs are millions of times better at scent discrimination than we are. These games allow shy dogs the experience of exploring environments with a confidence-building purpose and rambunctious dogs the ability to focus.  Dogs must take the lead in the search allowing you to read your dogs and work as a functioning team.  It's so amazing to watch teams develop.
  • Nosework is exhausting:   Nosework takes a lot of brain power for our dogs.  Problem-solving is exhausting (remember how you felt after a big day at work?). Pair that with the soothing effects of sniffing, and nose work is one of the most powerful tools out there for soothing a hyperactive dog.  It's a great and easy game to play with your dog on rainy days, sick days, or after that long day at work.
  • All dogs can do nose work:   Big ones. Small ones. Fast. Slow. Young. Old. Shy. Rambunctious. Sassy. Naughty. Reactive. Arthritic. Deaf. Blind.  They can all do it!

Ready to Get Started?

Classes begin on Nov 9th at 1:00 pm at the Pet Care Depot, attached to Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center.  Class size is limited to 5 students, $200 per slot.  Email for questions and/or to sign up:


Newsweek Agrees:

Dogs Are Better Behaved After Scent Training, Scientists Discover - Newsweek

This Ted-Ed from Prof. Horowitz is full of amazing info about our dog sniffers.  Truly amazing animals we live and play with:

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