Volunteering to help pets in the wake of Harvey's destruction.

First hand account of our Technician Manager Chelsea's experience in volunteering helping pets in need after Harvey's devastation.

Hard times often reveal the true nature of people, for Houston, Hurricane Harvey defined the community. During my three days of volunteering, I saw firsthand what "Texas Strong" really means. Before my arrival at Houston Pets Alive! I read heartwarming stories of those who were lucky enough to be on high ground. They opened up their homes to their neighbors and loaned out their cars so others could get to work. Social media was full of encouraging words, prayers, and well wishes for the victims of the storm from people around the globe. On my way to and from HPA each day, I spoke with my Uber drivers about how Harvey had affected their lives. Some volunteered at the pop-up shelters while others needed the help themselves while piecing back together all they had lost. This natural disaster affected people in a variety of ways but the gratitude for the outpouring of support was the same.

Through their excellent teamwork and dedication, the staff of Houston Pets Alive! has created their own niche in the community and I was honored to be a part of it13. I am thankful for the charitable donations from our wonderful clients, your gifts allowed me to provide support to a community pulling together in the wake of a crisis. Through their charity, each client was with me through my journey in Houston, spreading their positivity and hope to those that needed it most. Every person I met while in Texas impacted my life in a positive way; their stories touched my soul and left a footprint that will remain indefinitely. I already miss the animals I cared for but am certain they will soon snuggle their way into a new families' heart with the same gentle love they gave to me14. I have returned home humbled by the experience and fulfilled by the work I performed, it was truly unlike any other. I am eager for my coworkers to join the relief effort in Houston and return with their own inspiration and passion. To the staff at Houston Pets Alive!, thank you for an experience that changed my life, I will never forget my time with all of you. Keep up the wonderful work, more help is on the way!


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