Welcome Dr. Trevor Miller by Erin Selby

We are proud to announce a new addition to our BRVC family - Dr. Trevor Miller has joined our team of highly skilled veterinarians! Dr. Miller embodies our core values, what we refer to as the 4 "C"s: Communication, Client Education, Compassion, and Customer Service. Read our interview to get to know more about Dr. Miller, where he is from, what motivated him to be a veterinarian, and why he is excited to work at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care.

Tell us about your educational background.

I did my undergraduate at UC Berkeley and majored in Environmental science. I also studied abroad in Australia for a semester. I went to Vet School at UC Davis.

Were you involved in other animal related work outside of school?

During vet school I worked extensively with Fix Our Ferals (a feral cat spay/neuter organization in Oakland) and volunteered at a shelter in Modesto. I also was the editor of the vet school newspaper.

After graduating vet school, where did you complete your internship?

I did a 1 year rotating internship at East Bay Veterinary Specialists and Emergency. I rotated primarily through internal medicine and emergency medicine, but also gained a lot of ultrasound and surgical experience.

Where did you grow up?

Placerville, CA. A small town in the foothills between Sacramento and South Lake Tahoe. I lived out the country and grew up surrounded by a lot of animals.

Do you have any pets?

I have a cat and a dog. Gonzo is an orange tabby. Quigley is a Lab mix.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Skiing! (I've been a skier my whole life). I love to travel, I read a lot, and I play racquetball. I'm also a big Cal fan.

Describe how and why you became interested in becoming a veterinarian. Did you have any kind of “a-ha” moment?

I became a vet for lots of reasons. I don't think I had one definitive moment though. It was something I was always interested in and at one point in college I just decided to fully pursue becoming a veterinarian. I grew up with lots of pets and biology was always my favorite subject in school. I also love how much you get to work with your hands in vet med and how much variety there is in day to day practice.

What motivates you to be a veterinarian?

I think my biggest motivator now is the people behind the pets. I love helping support the bond between people and their pets and the relationships that develop between veterinarians and pet owners.   I also love how vast the veterinary profession is and how there is always so much more to learn. I think a lot of areas of veterinary medicine also have a kind of craftsmanship, like surgery and ultrasound for example, and I really enjoy that.

What do you look forward to about working at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care?

I really look forward to working with all the great doctors and staff here. In such a big established practice I think it opens up the doctors to do a lot more for their patients. BRVC has people with expertise in so many different fields; there is always someone to bounce ideas off of. I also look forward to getting to know the BRVC clients and pets. 

Tags: Trevor Miller, veterinarian

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