Welcome Dr. Victoria Susman

We are excited to announce that Dr. Victoria Susman has recently joined our team of dedicated veterinarians at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center and Urgent Care.  Dr. Susman is a recent graduate of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and is enthusiastic about starting her journey with us.


A little more about Dr. Susman:

Dr. Susman grew up in San Diego, enjoying the beach, great Mexican food, and volunteering at her local animal shelter, zoo, and aquarium. She then moved to farmlands to attend UC Davis for her undergraduate studies before graduating from UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Susman has a special interest in preventive medicine, dermatology, and surgery. While in vet school, she fostered and adopted an injured German Shepherd puppy who now enjoys a pampered life in San Francisco. Outside of work, she likes to spend time with her pup, go on scenic hikes, read fantasy novels, and try new foods.

 Dr. Susman is currently being mentored by Dr. Adam Scott, and Dr. DeLano and is eager to build lasting relationships between our clients and their pets!  She is available to see patients Monday through Friday.

Please contact our office to schedule your pet's next appointment with Dr. Susman!

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