Age: 1 year
Breed: Saluki
Diagnosis: Colitis
Persia had been having abnormal stools and a suppressed appetite for several months. Her owner noted she would have severe stomach gurgling followed by bloody, mucoid diarrhea. Concerned she was not improving under her current treatment plan, she sought a second opinion from Dr. Cain.
Initial blood work indicated a deficiency of vitamin B12 – a sign of intestinal disease. Persia was started on B12 supplements to help increase her appetite and improve the digestion of her food. She improved considerably but when she had a relapse, Dr. Cain performed a colonoscopy and biopsy results confirmed colitis.
Colitis is an inflammation of the colon and causes a variety of bowel problems. Most often, colitis causes diarrhea but it can also cause constipation – causing dogs to strain and pass very little stool. Some dogs lose weight and can become debilitated without treatment. The goal in treating chronic colitis is to suppress the inflammation in a pet's colon and prevent recurrence through diet change and drug therapy.
Dr. Cain instituted a specific treatment plan for Persia and regularly communicated with her owners via phone and email -- monitoring her progress every-step-of-the-way. Because colitis can be tricky to manage, the communication between client and doctor was essential for a successful outcome –allowing them to make adjustments in Persia's diet and/or medications when needed. Today, Persia is thriving and her colitis is under control.